Human & Computer Interaction

     In the first chapter, we've learned the Introduction Of Human Computer Interaction (HCI). We got to know deeper in the relation of human and computer where the human gives an instruction to the computer as an input to the computer, and the computer will fulfill the request as an output to human.

     During our first class at the TECC class room, Mr. Khalid has taught us about the virtual reality using the Google Daydream View VR headset that detects his Samsung Galaxy S9 and syncs it to the ultra curve LED tv as the display. The google daydream view vr comes with a remote that acts like a cursor/pointer. 

     After Mr. Khalid showed us a demo on how it works, he let us all experience how it actually feels. After l give it a try, I'm quite impress because of the smoothness of how the cursor react when I move my hand and also on the cursor react when i move my hand and also how the gyro sensor works on its detecting my head movement. Im really impress on how the it world is improving.

Here some pictures of we trying the vr headset :

(Written by Ahmad Shukri & Amirul Amri)


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